Saturday, October 17, 2009

New city, new life, new beginnings, new hope? This is New York.

So if the majority of the photos are uploaded on to Facebook, what is the impetus to visit this site then? You know you only do so out of dogged perseverance that there might be something different here than on Facebook. And right you are. There are like, 4 extra pics here that are not there, I suppose. Think of it as bonus material, my immaterial audience.

Pics I like a lot (also known as lumping nice pics together so I don't have to think up of witty captions for them

So that makes it 5. Which means I have 33 more pics to caption. Bah. Oh wait here be another overarching category!

Views from my window (and are not photoshopped!)

That makes it... uh, wait I can do the math... 27?

Flying the Singapore way

I like how the German announcements have a Singapore accent to them.

We are so speeshul

We have our very own subway station with our own signs in mosaic on them!


Wait what? So did Columbia? And their signs look prettier! Hell what are we paying our insanely expensive tuition for? Votes to have 'More pimp NYU signs at the 8th St subway station'.

Pretty statues

Columbia University has nice statues at their campus. We don't even have a campus.


Where Columbia students get banished to if they score below an A. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Haha.

and Dragons

Their cellars look like some crypt-y dungeon thing, and you expect to slay a dragon any moment now. All these happening in the basements of Columbia dorms.

Nice... building?

I dunno. Felt like taking a picture. I think there is some significance to this building, though I cannot remember what.

The Crows

Even the birds have it tough here in NYC. Look how stressed they are.

Library and clouds


Two couples on a bench and a kaypoh kia

On surface they may seem like a loving couple...

But on closer inspection...


Colors of the rainbow

ROYGBIV. But why is the violet weirdly placed?

The wind did it

The Stonewall Inn, where the root of LGBT-equality action began.

Narrowest building in New York

The car is longer than the house is wide. And the house is pretty expensive too.


It's address is 75 1/2. Reminds me of like Platform 9 3/4.


In honor of Charmaine.

Oldest street in New York

Stone Street, because the street is paved in stone. Duh.


Don't know what else to say about this.

Standard tourist shot

EVERYONE must take a picture of this signpost when they go to Wall St. Strangely I didn't take a picture of the bull.

Oldest surviving church building in the city

St Paul's Chapel. Built 1764, it survived The Great New York City Fire of 1776. See? My blog can be educational.

Healing Hearts and Minds

Patches sent by policemen and firefighters all around the world make up this exhibit commemorating the Sept 11 attack.


Another of the exhibit.

San Gennaro

Festival at little Italy with tons of booths with games that actually look fun and foods that looks good.

Lost Turtle

Uh. Must be some turtle, if it can escape fast enough for the owner to be unable to notice. Or some owner.


Seriously, New York City is infested with them. I get woken up by jazz saxophonists everyday at around 9am. I understand your need to a starving artist on the streets, dear buskers, but give it a rest already. I NEED MY SLEEP.

If Peter Parker loses his job...

He could take over their jobs anyday.

And to end off...