Saturday, July 05, 2008

Of Lobsters and Blobs.

After much clamor about going to Nova Scotia and forcibly riding crustaceans, everyone who has had ears bleed from my incessant talking about it would probably want respite in the form of their eyes melting from my pictures. So melt away.

In somewhat chronological order, and no I didn't take 58973 bajillion photos like some of my other teammates did. And definitely NOT SNEAKILY of others too, may I add *glares at Kee*.

Ride the Lobster

Dah dah dah dum dum dum dum. Presenting a slideshow that you have to scroll down, Riiiide the Lobster!

Country for Old Man

My flight to Halifax was delayed for 2 hours. I changed 50 SGD at a very bad rate. I was stuck in Chicago. Lost and lonely, I settled for taking pictures of blobby old men staring out of windows with very, very nice polarizing... window shades?

Alternate uses for a bench

Tired of being sat on by asses all the time, the bench at the Champlain motel got its proverbial panties in a knot, got up and tried a different job: Modelling. Is expecting proposals of hot furniture sex to follow.

Beark a Leg!

Kids want us to beark our legs. =( Wo wo. Maybe I'm no kid-art savant, but the girl illustrated looks more like she's balancing on balls instead. Maybe that's how you beark legs?

Friendly teammate number 1

Demonstrating deer-in-headlight stance. The scalloped potatos were supposed to drop off despondently from his fork to highlight the comical effect but he is a FAIL.


Hey! Do you want seafood? Here! See-food! Ahh..... Exemplary table manners and masticated scalloped potatos (seefood) at Annapolis Royal.

No ghosts...

No nasty deadies/mummies/in-betweens disturbed our graveyward tour, but plenty of mosquitos did. He is the guide and the something-of-the-something committee.


There is something very fishy about Yarmouth. My 1337 deduction led me to conclude that Fishes were the culprit. Elementary my dear Watson, it's all elementary.


Eep I ran out of funny/witty stuff to say!

Skies on Fire

The sun set into the clouds and promptly set it on fire.

Ew Gross! Part 1

Canada has strange bugs.

Ew Gross! Part 2

Seriously why do I keep taking pictures of these bugs?

Endless road

Endless motivation. Endless uphill. End of caption.

To make Jiahui feel better...

By manipulating the camera angle, it makes her look as though she was going downhill! That makes all the difference doesn't it? What do you mean it doesn't work that way?

Dandy Lions


He couldn't pay the rent

So the landlord forcibly evicted him. With a bulldozer.

Så kom och!

Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu är vi här med

Awesome skill

...and crotch-grabbings and decapitated hands.

Leap of faith

The look on the lady's face is priceless.


Coochie coochie coo!

Flying carpet

Lol. Looks like one.

Berlin Wall is falling down

And is not in Berlin anymore. Truro.


Epitome of manliness and music.



Ok smile!

Do not let the sign and smiles beguile you, because...

The face that launched a thousand ships

...A second later, "A smile is frown, upside down! Lalalalaa!"

Bald Eagle

With better table manners (and real seafood) than Jiahui.

Mandatory flower pictures

It wouldn't be nice to spoil tradition and not take pictures of flowers.



We couldn't find snow in Canada

So we settled for the next best thing and made snowmen out of yucky mash potatos in a Chinese restaurant in Baddeck. Mash potatos that you cannot cut with a spoon.

Team Masticating Bunnies from Hell

3 Masticating Bunnies and 1 honorary Bunny from the German Speeders. I have cleverly disguised myself as a triple-chin-ed blobby so you don't see me in the picture. Muahaha.

This is it. I know I didn't take a lot of pictures. I was too busy riding and lying about riding when in actual fact just too lazy to take the camera out.

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